The 3-D Film Preservation Fund is a tax exempt 501(c)3 non profit corporation.
Stereoscopic ("3-D") films were shot and exhibited nearly a century ago, but almost all of this early material is now considered lost. Yet that doesn't mean that the material isn't....somewhere. There are film archives all over the world that can still be mined for this material, as well as film collectors, retired projectionists, and many others. There may be a basement or attic where YOU live that might hold some of this material. Until the formation of the 3-D Film Preservation Fund, however, there has been very little funding available to preserve and restore this material. It is our hope that as more of this early material surfaces, it can be restored and shown again to audiences world-wide.
While rights holders have done preservation work on some of the "A" 3-D titles, such as House of Wax, many of the features and shorts of the Golden Era are virtually "orphan" films, at least in their stereoscopic versions. There is a market for this material in 2-D (television, home video, and so on), but the theatrical market for older films is all but dead. Many rights holders do not believe that the number of home video sales they would make justifies spending money on doing restoration work on the 3-D versions. Again, we hope the 3-D Film Preservation Fund can make a difference.
It is the goal of the 3-D Film Preservation Fund to find, conserve, and restore as much of this material as possible. The Fund will also be used for educational programs on the history of 3-D and on public presentations of this culturally valuable material. Already having restored Boo Moon, Motor Rhythm, Thrills for You, and Adventures of Sam Space, as well as participating in the restoration of several feature films, it is our hope and our goal that all of the early stereoscopic films will some day be made available to the general public in their full glory, on the big Silver Screen.
Joe Dante
3-D Film Preservation Fund
Advisory Board Member